Good News: Not Everyone Wants to Leave! + Winner Revealed
In the same way one should eat carefully in the aftermath of a nasty stomach bug, for fear of upsetting the gastric balance, I’ll be treading the airwaves with caution this afternoon. The memories of Saturday night still linger in the gut like a urinal cake and I’ve little interest in aggravating it further. Nothing too spicy from this corner of the internet. There’ll be plenty of time for all that.
Let’s just all agree that things haven’t turned out exactly as we’d planned (ignore Harry’s retrospective sang-froid; in February he told the BBC anything less than 3rd would be a disappointment) and take stock in the fact that John Terry wore shin-pads under his Cup Final suit.
Think about that for a second.
Now for what appears to be some good news.
Emmanuel Adebayor has given off the air of someone enjoying his football since joining from the Petrol Barons last summer. Such a ripping time he’s had, in fact, he’d quite like to make the movement a permanent one. Here’s the latest from his Twitter feed, the last bastion of truth and exclamation mark overuse:
“Loved my spell at Tottenham. We are working hard with the chairman to make it permanent. Will keep you informed!!”
Well, how lovely.
Now if we can just find a spare, ooh I don’t know, every penny we’ve got (!) in the coffers we should be able to meet his wages demands.
Oh I give up..
**The winner of the WFRF? Fantasy Football League was James OShaughnessy and his team Norfolk & Goode. Get in touch, James!**
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